PolisiN - Politicians: safe online

Logo PolisiN"Politicians safe online - PolisiN" is a project of the non-profit association "Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V. - DsiN": The project supports politically active people free of charge in acting securely and confidently in the digital space. DsiN is under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs and offers, among other things, the "Digital driver's license - DiFü", which teaches practical digital skills. Visit us at our stand at the Governikus Summit 2025 and find out how we can support you in your work.





Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V.
Albrechtstraße 10c
10117 Berlin

Phone: 030 767581564
E-Mail: kontakt@polisin.de
Website: www.polisin.de