Governikus COM Vibilia

Secure, confidential and verifiable communication

✓ Message window for the creation of OSCI messages
✓ Data can be exchanged with specialist procedures
✓ A wide variety of application scenarios can be served

As an almost barrier-free send and receive client for OSCI messages, Governikus COM Vibilia (successor product of Governikus Communicator) enables end-to-end encrypted communication in XML in public administration and EGVP scenarios based on the OSCI transport protocol.

Governikus COM Vibilia also enables the handling of electronic signatures and thus guarantees authenticity, integrity and confidentiality.

In addition, the use of electronic signatures as well as the OSCI process card as logging can be used to comply with legally prescribed written form requirements or to prove that deadlines have been sent or received on time.

COM Vibilia is part of the IT Planning Council'sAnwendung Governikus and is continuously developed and maintained.

Grey haired man with beard and glasses sits in front of laptop

3 good reasons for Governikus COM Vibilia

Wide range of application scenarios

Possible applications in XML in public administration and EGVP scenarios as well as individual project solutions.

Electronic legal communication

Justice communication for different application groups with COM Vibilia beBPO Edition.

Application of the IT Planning Council

Governikus COM Vibilia is part of the IT Planning Council's Anwendung Governikus .

Integration and server products

COM Vibilia offers both export and import interfaces that enable the exchange of data with business process applications. The exchange of business process data is possible by means of a generic interface in a defined structure.

The COM Vibilia client application requires the following server products for use:

  • Governikus COM Tauri for handling OSCI messages
  • Governikus DATA Varuna for the validation of signatures
  • Directory service (SAFE, DVDV or your own registration server)

Electronic legal communication

For electronic legal transactions Governikus COM Vibilia beBPo Edition and Governikus COM Vibilia eBO Edition are available.

If you prefer server-based solutions for electronic legal transactions, you will be delighted with the IT-Planungsrat Governikus MultiMessenger or also beBPo as a Service or eBO as a Service find what you are looking for.

Laughing group of people in front of laptop

Core functions

  • Single or multiple signing of messages
  • Certificate generation and verification (transport encryption)
  • Validation of signatures and seals (messages and attachments)
  • OSCI receipts (process cards)
  • Connection to directory services (SAFE, DVDV, registration server) and much more.

Further products at a glance

Figurative mark Governikus COM MultiMessenger


Future-proof multi-channel communication for the administration
Figurative mark Governikus COM Tauri

COM Tauri

Legally binding and secure data exchange
Figurative mark COM Despina Peppol AS4

COM Despina Peppol/AS4 Edition

Simplified access to transport infrastructures
Figurative mark Governikus COM Despina dvdv osci


Support for XML in public administration standards
Figurative mark COM Vibilia beBPo

COM Vibilia beBPo Edition

Exchange of electronic documents with the judiciary
Figurative mark COM Vibilia eBO

COM Vibilia eBO Edition

Communication with the judiciary, authorities, lawyers and notaries
Image mark Governikus beBPo as a Service

beBPo as a Service

Electronic legal transactions with the special electronic mailbox for public authorities


Governikus COM Vibilia
Governikus COM Vibilia
Client applications in electronic legal transactions
Illustration of the OSCI Whitepaper

Free whitepaper

The foundation of digital administration in Germany

The white paper provides an insight into the history of OSCI and the "principle of the double envelope" as the basis of the secure transport standard. It also shows some use cases.

Download now "
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On our blog, we address current developments in the field of secure communication, provide information about projects and let our experts report on new solutions - read our latest blog articles.

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Our Academy courses are designed to expand and deepen your knowledge of the Governikus portfolio. It is aimed at all those who are interested in Governikus products or who will be working with them in the future.

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